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helen's room

3 posters

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Čet Avg 02, 2012 11:17 am

-Uu.. - napući usne i podigne obrvu. - Pa užasno me zanima..-
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Čet Avg 02, 2012 11:19 am

(udaviću te Cool )

Priđe joj, tako da stoji između ormara i njega. -Znam da si strašno radoznala.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Čet Avg 02, 2012 11:30 am

(zašto? Surprised )

Osloni se na ormar i mrda glavom levo-desno. - Hmm?-
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Čet Avg 02, 2012 11:36 am

( Razz )

-Mhm. -smeška se i gleda je oči bez treptanja.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 4:26 am

( kiss kiss )

-Wow! Stvarno si opasan.. - osmehne se pa se sagne, prođe ispod njegove ruke i stane iza njega.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 4:36 am

Okrene se i nasloni se na ormar, posmatrajući je. -Ništa ne znaš.

nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 4:55 am

-Kao na primer? - prekrsti ruke i podigne obrve.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 4:58 am

-Ali tebe to svakako ne zanima. -nasmeje se.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:05 am

-Mene sve zanima.. - osmehne se pa slegne ramenima.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:08 am

-Baš sve? -podigne obrve.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:10 am

-Aha, baaš sve.. - klimne glavom.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:11 am

Uzme je za ruku i približi sebi. -Ne znaš ti šta pričaš.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:15 am

-Jesu to neke policijske fore? - približi mu se još i suzdržava smeh.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:20 am

-Ne, to su moje fore. -ugrize se za usnu, suzdržavajući smeh.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:21 am

-Aha? - mrda glavom levo-desno i podigne obrve.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:26 am

- Što ne veruješ da ja imam svoje fore? -kaže tiho.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:52 am

-Ih, pa nisi nešto ubedljiv.. - osmehne se.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 5:54 am

Približi joj se jo malo i gleda u njene usne, pa je poljubi..
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 6:44 am

Stavi jednu ruku na njegov potiljak i uzvrati mu.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 6:49 am

Odmakne se malo i promrmlja nešto nerazgovetno.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 8:07 am

Gricka usnu neko vreme kako se ne bi nasmejala, ali onda ipak prasne u smeh.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 8:10 am

- Ma šta? - smeška se.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 10:33 am

-Smešan si mi tako zbunjenn.. - naceri se.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od nathaniel westwick Pet Avg 03, 2012 10:39 am

-Zbunjen nisam. -nasmeši se.
nathaniel westwick
nathaniel westwick

Broj poruka : 1215
Reputation : 3
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

helen's room - Page 2 Empty Re: helen's room

Počalji od helen pearson Pet Avg 03, 2012 10:41 am

-Negoo? Šta ti je? - podigne obrvu.
helen pearson
helen pearson
independent artist
independent artist

Broj poruka : 182
Reputation : 2
Datum upisa : 01.08.2012

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